Upcoming Exhibition: Spring 2025
In Spring 2025, Electronic ARTrium will unveil another exhibition— Bee My Guide: An Interactive Journey Back Home. Click below to learn more!
What is Electronic ARTrium?
The Electronic ARTrium team at the Georgia Institute of Technology seeks to combine computer vision-based sensing, video, music, and mechatronics to create dynamic, multidisciplinary interactive art exhibits that do not require participants to use “wearables”.
Sound, mechatronics, and projected video are all utilized to create a seamless, sensor-driven dynamic artistic exhibit using real-time interactions from participants.
The ultimate goal of any Electronic ARTrium exhibit is to invoke a sense of wonder and intrigue in its participants as they explore how their movements influence the installation.
Fall 2022: Raise Your Hand Exhibition
“Raise Your Hand” was the first art exhibition put on by the Electronic ARTrium team during November 1-14, 2022 in the lobby of the Ferst Center for the Arts at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Watch the following videos and click the link below to learn more about our previous installation!
Interested in Joining?
Georgia Tech students can participate to earn academic credit in any of three ways:
- Joining the VIP team Electronic ARTrium at the following link. Check out our current teams and their specializations!
- Signing up for an undergraduate research project.
- By doing a senior capstone design project that contributes to the exhibit.
For an undergraduate research project, if the student is not from the School of ECE, there must be a co-advisor from the student’s school. Co-advisors are greatly welcomed because they become collaborators.
To join the project, please contact Professor Weitnauer or Dr. Brothers.